2010 Summer Slideshow Album

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Week To Go

I guess I can give you an update on me and the pregnancy, that means no baby. I know some of you are wondering if we've had our baby yet. I still technically have two weeks from yesterday. But I think it will be this week, Friday to be precise.

It's really hard to keep my train of thought right now. Jer wont stop telling me how bored he is, and he keeps hitting the back of my chair. This is the first time I've been on the computer this entire week and he apparently he isn't happy about it.

Anyway- I am done babysitting as of last Friday. I thought I could use a week or two to clean the house and get things ready for our baby. I have to tell you I am very excited to have another boy! I know that he is a very special spirit and that he is meant to come into our home. I'm kind of getting impatient to met him; I actually would be okay waiting two or three more weeks if it wasn't for the horrible pain that he has been causing me for around a month now. I don't really know how to explain the pain, but it's very strong and has crippled me to the ground a couple of times. The pain is around my pelvic area, but I can also get it in my lower back and upper legs. It's also very quick to come and go, but it happens often. I tried to explain it to my doctor, but he didn't seem too concerned. I haven't had this pain in the past; that's the biggest reason I worry about it. Other than that, I'm in good health and so is the baby. At my last appointment, I was dialated to a 2 1/2, and 70% effaced.

Hyrum has been doing so good on potty training; we're all but done. He still wears a diaper to bed at night, but other than that he's trained. I'm so proud of him (and me) for sticking with it. It was my goal to have him trained before our baby came. I know that toddlers regress when there is change, so I expect that, but hope for the best.


Swordfish said...

I can tell you what your pain is, I had it also with Colton. Your wonderful baby boy is hitting your siatic (sorry for spelling) nerve and it is very very painful, then he moves and it goes away. One time colton did it to the point my legs went out from under me and I fell down, hard, on my belly. That was my doctor's cue to deliver colton since I had c-sections. Just be careful and if you pay attention it usually happens when the baby moves, so now that you are close to due when you stand up and move around since he is out of room.

I know i am not a doctor,but I know how you feel, it hurts very very bad. Hang in there.

Tamy said...

Hey my doctor said the Third baby is the killer. Everything and anything hurts. Sorry about your pain, my hips and legs went numb with X. Your picture is so cute! I was huge with X, I am jealous. Friday is an awesome day (it's my bday) good luck and I can't wait to see pictures of the new member. Oh and my friend had a pinched nerve in her back for 4 months with her last baby, she couldnt even walk. Hang in there.

Elizabeth said...

wow you look great! i love the end of pregnancy - so exciting to see how it all unfolds. good luck.

The Littlefields said...

You look so good! I'm so glad that everything is going well. Your boys are so lucky to have you for a Mom. Good luck with the Labor. Let us know when he arrives!

RonElaine said...

You totally have sciatica - werid that Sanders didn't know what you were talking about - it's a common pregnancy condition.

Good luck with Hyrum. If his personality is more chill, he may not regress very much, if at all. Liah became interested about 6 weeks before Anna was born and was totally pee-trained in about a week(not naps/bedtime), but was terrified of pooping in the potty. I knew she'd totally regress when the baby came, and she did. I think she has asked me 2 or 3 times since Anna was born to go potty. I have high hopes that when she decides to pick it up again it will go really fast because she had so much practice.

You look great! Hope things go well - and quickly! We're looking forward to the "new baby" post.

Cami said...

First of all...you look gorgeous!!! I know you don't feel that way, but you do. You are one of those cute pregnant girls...I never was. :)

Good luck with the delivery! It sounds like you are moving right along. What a relief it will be to not have that pain...ouch, it sounds yucky!

Kudos to you on the potty training!

I will be thinking about you...

vcsings said...

Sciatica! Yes, I had it too. It usually affected the area around my right hip. After there is no-one pushing on that nerve, you should not have it anymore. Good luck and let us know! Love Aunt Vickie

Kaycee said...

Yes! Pain in that last trimester is the best!! Okay, I hated it, too. Good luck with the delivery! I can't wait to hear what you are naming him... the suspense is killing me! ;) If he doesn't come until Friday then I guess I'll see you Wednesday evening?!?!

Sami Antha said...

How exciting! I hope it all goes well. I love you and will be thinking of you. (man, when did Sami get so mushy?)

Tennille said...

Good Luck with everything. I wish it was me! I still have 11 LONG weeks. You'll have to let me know how it is adjusting to baby #3. I am scared out of my MIND.

Jenn said...

You seriously do look great! And I have to say that Kaylie kicked my sciatic nerve a lot, too, so I understand your pain! Did you guys pick a name yet? Good luck with it all!

Sami Antha said...

Hey Krflisty. Does my challenge apply to siblings, you ask? Well sure! Also, that shamrock layout was too hard to read! I hope you don't mind that I changed it. I found a black and white one that I love. And do you have a baby yet??

Jordan and Nikki Brown said...

I can't believe you are nearly there! Congrats - you look great & sound energetic!

Mostly Broken said...

comments, comments, comments.